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Step Down Technique: Managing Perfectionism to Reduce Procrastination

Who Can Benefit?

This approach is particularly helpful for individuals who struggle with perfectionism, negative self-talk, or procrastination due to a need for everything to be “just right.” It encourages setting realistic goals and reducing the pressure of aiming for perfection.

How to Implement the Step Down Technique

  1. Identify the Task: Start by thinking about the task you’re procrastinating on or feeling anxious about.
  2. Define the Perfect Outcome: Write down what you would consider the perfect outcome for this task.
  3. Step Down the Ladder: Gradually lower your expectations by considering less-than-perfect outcomes:
    • Excellent Outcome: What would be an outcome that’s not quite perfect, but still excellent?
    • Very Good Outcome: Take another step down—what would be a very good outcome?
    • Good Outcome: What would be a good outcome?
    • Good Enough Outcome: Finally, define what would be a “good enough” outcome, something that meets your needs without requiring perfection.
  4. Focus on Good Enough: Direct your efforts towards achieving the “good enough” outcome. Acknowledge that while perfection is unattainable, “good enough” is sufficient and allows you to move forward without being paralyzed by indecision.

The Science Behind Scaling Back Expectations

The concept of “maximising,” where we strive to make the perfect choice and excel in every dimension, has been linked to increased feelings of depression and dissatisfaction. This relentless pursuit of perfection can lead to decision paralysis and a constant sense of inadequacy. By aiming for a “good enough” outcome, you manage your expectations more realistically, reduce self-imposed pressure, and become more satisfied with your achievements.

Korb, A. (2015). The Upward Spiral: Using Neuroscience to Reverse the Course of Depression, One Small Change at a Time. New Harbinger Publications.

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