Gratitude Writing: Mood-Boosting Benefits of a Thank-You Letter
Who Can Benefit?
Writing a thank-you letter can be especially helpful for those experiencing persistent low mood or depression. It’s a powerful way to reconnect with positive emotions and show appreciation for the people in your life.
How to Write a Thank-You Letter
Think of someone who has shown you kindness, whether recently or in the past. Take some time to write a detailed letter expressing your gratitude, mentioning specific actions that had a positive impact on your life. Whether you choose to deliver the letter or keep it private is up to you.
The Science Behind Writing Thank-You Letters
Practicing gratitude through letter writing can lead to lasting improvements in mood. Research shows that individuals who wrote and delivered a thank-you letter experienced increased happiness for up to two months afterward. Gratitude activates brain regions responsible for producing dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and motivation. Moreover, expressing gratitude enhances social interactions by stimulating dopamine circuits in the brain, making our connections with others more rewarding.
Korb, A. (2015). The Upward Spiral: Using Neuroscience to Reverse the Course of Depression, One Small Change at a Time. New Harbinger Publications.