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Check in with Physical Tension: Reducing Anxiety and Stress

Who Can Benefit?

Checking in with physical tension is particularly helpful for individuals who experience physical symptoms of anxiety, stress, or muscle tension. This technique helps to identify and release physical tension, promoting overall relaxation and reducing stress.

How to Check in with Your Body for Physical Tension

  1. Clench and Relax: Begin by deliberately clenching a muscle group. Take a deep breath in, flex the muscle tightly for a few seconds, then exhale with a sigh as you relax the muscle. This exercise helps remind your body to release tension.
  2. Relax Your Jaw: Stress often leads to jaw clenching, which can increase overall tension. Let your jaw hang loose, wiggle it gently, and then open your mouth wide. This may induce yawning, which further promotes relaxation.
  3. Wear Sunglasses: On bright days, squinting to reduce glare can cause you to contract the corrugator supercilii muscles, signalling to your brain that you’re under stress. Wearing sunglasses reduces the need to squint, thereby decreasing facial tension and promoting a calmer state.

The Science Behind Checking in with Physical Tension

Biofeedback plays a crucial role in our mental state, as physical tension can influence our emotional experience. The brain interprets signals from the body—such as muscle flexing or facial expressions—and associates them with certain emotions. For example, the act of relaxing facial muscles can lead to a more relaxed mental state. By consciously reducing physical tension, you can help your brain shift to a calmer, more relaxed mode.


Korb, A. (2015). The Upward Spiral: Using Neuroscience to Reverse the Course of Depression, One Small Change at a Time. New Harbinger Publications.

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