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Bad Habits & Addictions

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Habit Tracking: A Visual Tool to Maintain Motivation Who Can Benefit? Habit trackers are highly effective for individuals who want to break negative habits, overcome addiction, establish new routines, or maintain consistency in recurring tasks. By providing a visual representation…

Commitment Devices: Strategies to Break Bad Habits Who Can Benefit? Commitment devices are particularly effective for individuals struggling with poor or destructive habits and addictions. By making it harder to engage in these behaviours, you increase your chances of staying…

Dopamine-Boosting Alternatives: Reducing Destructive Habits Who Can Benefit? This approach is particularly useful for individuals who struggle with poor or destructive habits. By replacing these habits with positive dopamine-boosting activities, you can reduce the likelihood of engaging in harmful behaviours.…

Identifying and Managing Triggers: A Key to Breaking Habits Who Can Benefit? Recognising and managing triggers is crucial for individuals who want to break negative habits or overcome addiction. By understanding what prompts certain behaviours, you can take proactive steps…

The Four Laws of Breaking Habits: Strategies for Lasting Change Who Can Benefit? These principles are particularly useful for individuals looking to break negative habits, overcome addiction, or maintain healthier behaviours. By following these four laws, you can set yourself…

Low Mood & Depression
Excessive Worry & Generalised Anxiety
Poor Quality Sleep
Physical Anxiety & Panic Attacks
Memory & Revision
Bad Habits & Addictions
Anger, Impulsivity & Emotional Reactivity
Focus & Concentration
Procrastination, Low Motivation & Decision Paralysis
Task Management, Routines & Habits
Optimal Learning
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